Matt ZavadilWritten by Matt Zavadil
Updated December 31, 2023

Are you wondering about the best ways to sell doTERRA that work the modern, Internet-based world?

You joined the company feeling the excitement of a 5-year-old kid on Christmas morning, right?

The oils helped your health and the doTERRA compensation plan presentation put visions of a wildly successful business dancing in your head.

But, now reality has set in and you realize this is gonna be serious work…

…it’s hard to get people to buy this stuff!

Add in the post-pandemic world turning the entire network marketing industry on its head…

You’re not alone and you shouldn’t feel bad if you’re a little frustrated. It’s common to join a network marketing business and struggle to find your way.

The good news is you can learn how to generate doTERRA leads, sell more products and grow your downline.

Let’s get started…

Feature Download: I’ve put together a free Quick-Start Guide” that shows you how to implement the “Reverse Invite Method” theory this post explains to you.

This collection of MLM guides shows you step-by-step how to get set up so you’re ready to start getting quality prospects for your doTERRA business.

You’ll learn how to use the “Reverse Invite Method”, plus 5 Bonus Trainings that teach you:

  • How to use Facebook
  • How to use LinkedIn
  • 5 Simple Steps for “push-button” recruiting
  • The problem with social media for prospecting
  • 3 strategies for more MLM leads
So you get more prospects WITHOUT the rejection.

Click here to grab it all

Post-COVID-19 Selling doTERRA Reality

I originally wrote this post to help you sell doTERRA prior to the pandemic hitting us.

Interestingly enough, not much needed to change when it comes to successfully increasing your leads, getting prospect interested in your essential oils and growing a doTERRA downline.

The future of all businesses is the Internet.

It’s critical to marry network marketing with online marketing because your future customers are simply on the Internet.

Today, people want the option to buy products and join businesses straight from the Internet.

Most People Can’t Sell doTERRA Oils & Here’s Why:

There’s a fundamental mismatch between the way most people decide to buy products and the way you’ve likely been taught to sell doTERRA essential oils.

The usual plan is to:

  • Create your friends & family list
  • Use social media to find more prospects
  • Recruit “as you go” and fill up local classes or “oil parties”

The unfortunate thing about these methods for building your doTERRA business is the process turns many people off and it doesn’t attract targeted prospects.

Have you ever experienced the disappointment of telling one of your friends, family members or co-workers about the amazing difference essential oils have made in your life, only to have it fall on deaf ears?

Or, worse, they laugh at your excitement, the weird MLM script you used or desire to build a business around it?

Have you ever invited someone to a class and they didn’t show up…after promising they would?

Have you posted doTERRA product pics on social media and were surprised that you didn’t get more engagement, sales or new wellness advocates?

Here’s the problem: You’re not targeting your marketing efforts at people who are interested in essential oils.

Your warm contacts don’t necessarily want to buy essential oils or work inside MLM just because they might be your coworker, family member, friend or social media contact.

Posting Products Pics Is One Of The Worst Things You Can Do When Selling doTERRA

You’ll find it very hard to make money with doTERRA if you follow the crowd and post product pictures on Instagram or Twitter.

The reason is that you’re talking too soon about your doTERRA business.

It’s very much like going to a networking event in your town, walking into the meeting and immediately shouting:

Hey all you good people, listen up and listen good! I’m a doTERRA wellness advocate and I’m here to sell you some essential oils!! We got the best line of essential oils you’ve ever seen in your entire life!!! Come over here and buy some! Then, I’ll sign YOU up as a wellness advocate and you and I are gonna rich together!!! Let’s go!!!!!!

Are you laughing hysterically thinking of actually doing this at a meeting?

Unfortunately, this is the way it comes across to your social media contacts when you post doTERRA products images or talk about how great the business is.

You probably know deep down how bad this method is for generating doTERRA leads. You might even cringe every time you do it.

You’ll know for sure if anyone has commented about how annoying it is or has even blocked your account.

The best way to tell is to add up how much money you’re making by doing this stuff.

Here’s The Way To Finally Make Money With doTERRA Essential Oils…

The best way to sell doTERRA oils is to start serving people first. Stop talking about doTERRA and start talking about what essential oils do in general.

For example, why do people use essential oils? They use them to:

  • Overcome anxiety
  • Experience more calmness
  • Promote healthier-looking skin
  • Reduce irritability
  • Aid digestion
  • Support their respiratory system
  • Attain better heart health

What if you had online assets in place that helped people understand how to gain the above advantages? What if you had social media posts or a blog that offered helpful tips?

People would find that content and start seeing you as someone they can trust to give them valuable information.

You wouldn’t look like a living, breathing infomercial like you do when posting product pics or yelling about how much money people can make.

Take Your doTERRA Prospects On a Date Before Trying to Marry Them

Solve problems for your prospects before selling them on how great doTERRA is. This is similar to dating someone before trying to get them to marry you.

Yelling on social media about how fantastic essential oils are is trying to marry people before they trust you. It repels people.

What attracts people is solving their problems by giving them educational content.

Teach them about how anxiety, for example, works in general. Talk about wellness in general. Talk about the dangers of stress. Teach them about the benefits of proper digestion.

Doing this gains the trust of your prospects and allows you to position your doTERRA products as the solution to the health problems you’re talking about with them.

Think about how different this process is when compared to how most network marketers lead with their products and business opportunities.

You will attract better qualified doTERRA leads by talking less about doTERRA and more about the problems your prospects want to solve.

This Is When Your Mind Might Stop Your Ability To Sell doTERRA

Don’t allow your self-doubt to convince you that this process is too hard or that you don’t know enough about the oils.

You know plenty to sell doTERRA essential oils in this way. Pay attention to the information your upline or the company itself has given you.

All you have to do is take company training and repurpose it in your own words.

You already do this exact process when you recommend a movie that you enjoyed. You pull out parts of the story and relay to your friends why it’s so great and why they need to watch it too.

Don’t listen to your mind when it says:

  • I don’t know enough about doTERRA or oils yet
  • This sounds hard
  • Maybe I should just post some product pics
  • This sounds like I need to learn something new

Yes, you will need to learn a few new things about marketing in order to do this.

However, if you’re really serious about selling doTERRA, then you need to change what you’re doing so you can rise above the frustration that has caused you to search for a better way to make money with this business.

Realize that you share “content’ whenever you get excited about anything in life. Now, you’re simply going to become more strategic for your doTERRA business.

Guess What? You Don’t Need To Be An Expert To Sell doTERRA This Way (& You Don’t Need To Run Around Town Doing Classes Either!)

You can share content and attract qualified doTERRA leads even if you’re brand new to the company.

You do it by using what I call the Journey Approach.

I’ll often hear people say to me, “Matt, I’m not an expert about essential oils yet. Why would people listen to me?”

Because you’ll be authentic. You will not try to prop yourself up as an essential oils “guru” or expert.

Instead, you’ll simply tell people that you’re excited about health and wellness and are going on a journey to learn better ways to be happier and healthier.

Then, you invite them to join you on your journey. You tell them that you’ll post new health and wellness information and ideas as you learn them so they can learn with you.

See how simple that is? You are authentic and other people interested in health and wellness will love seeing your new posts about it.

People interested in health and wellness just happen to be your best doTERRA leads!

Instead of getting rejected by uninterested friends and family, you’ll now start attracting the very people who will buy your essential oils after you teach them that:

  • Oils will solve their skincare problems
  • Oils will help lower anxiety levels
  • Oils will promote heart health
  • And so on…

Starting to get excited about attracting interested people yet? I hope so!

Feature Download: I’ve put together a free Quick-Start Guide” that shows you how to implement the “Reverse Invite Method” theory this post explains to you.

This collection of MLM guides shows you step-by-step how to get set up so you’re ready to start getting quality prospects for your doTERRA business.

You’ll learn how to use the “Reverse Invite Method”, plus 5 Bonus Trainings that teach you:

  • How to use Facebook
  • How to use LinkedIn
  • 5 Simple Steps for “push-button” recruiting
  • The problem with social media for prospecting
  • 3 strategies for more MLM leads
So you get more prospects WITHOUT the rejection.

Click here to grab it all

Now You Need to Know How Network Marketing Itself Can Kill Your Hopes For Selling doTERRA Essential Oils

Networking marketing does have some positive aspects to it. It’s a process that:

  • Teaches you how to be more positive
  • Shows you a variety of personal development methods
  • Introduces you to some great books to read
  • Gets you thinking more like a business owner and less like an employee

Unfortunately, network marketing also has some really terrible negatives to it.

The first problem with network marketing is that it’s the only business system that doesn’t teach you how to differentiate yourself from your competition.

Instead, it teaches you silly tactics that make you look like everybody else in doTERRA. It teaches you to:

  • Do local classes
  • Do the 3-foot rule
  • Post those silly doTERRA product pics on social media
  • Try to get your friends & family interested by inviting them to meetings in a weird sort of way
  • Getting your friends on a phone call with your new business teacher

These tactics may have worked in 1985, but most people have been “hit up” by these methods and it all feels too “strange”…almost like you’re trying to get them into a cult.

Wouldn’t you rather build your business like…well…like an “real” entrepreneur?

Start thinking of yourself as a health and wellness entrepreneur then. Stop thinking of yourself as a doTERRA wellness advocate.

Every other legitimate business in the world does things differently from its competitors. Your local florist figures out how to be looked upon differently from every other florist. Your lawyer does this. So does your mechanic. Bloggers do it and so do ecommerce websites.

But, you’re taught to do the same silly tactics as your competitors: All other doTERRA consultants!

You will struggle and probably quit if you keep doing what your upline or doTERRA corporate tells you to do.

Successful network marketers get to their success by running their businesses differently.

2 More Network Marketing Flaws You Need to Know If Want Qualified doTERRA Leads

Another big problem with MLM companies is that they gloss over the facts when it comes to understanding the “numbers”.

Have you been to doTERRA meetings or watched the compensation plan videos where it’s made to sound easy to build the business?

There is a tendency to make you think that all you need to do is recruit a handful of other wellness advocates, have them recruit 3 or 4 themselves, and you’ll all start making $1000, $5000 or even $10,000 per month sooner than later.

Here are the real numbers:

On average, you will need to introduce 100 people to your doTERRA products and business opportunity in order to gain 3 customers or team members.

Let that sink in. How many social media posts or doTERRA classes will you need to do in order to have meaningful conversations with 100 people?

Can you see why you’re struggling to sell doTERRA essential oils?

No one has told you the correct numbers and you don’t have enough time in a month to eat, sleep, work, spend time with your family and talk to 100 people about your business…and even doing that will only close 3 people.

The 2nd problem with MLM and doTERRA is that you don’t actually own your business.

I know you’ve probably been told the opposite…

…but read the agreement you signed when joining doTERRA. You’ll discover that doTERRA owns your book of business, not you.

What’s The Answer If MLM Has These Flaws? Can You Still Become Successful at Making Money With doTERRA?

Yes, you can become successful.

You have to start thinking like an independent entrepreneur (not a doTERRA rep) and you need to operate in a way where you take advantage of how the Internet works.

What do you do when you want to learn something new?

Do you go to Google, YouTube or Pinterest and search for that topic or do you hope one of your social media contacts posts some really annoying product pics about something you could buy in that area?

Are you starting to see why providing valuable content about health and wellness is far superior to “shouting” on Facebook about how great essential oils and doTERRA are?

Your best customers didn’t wake up today thinking, “I need to find the best doTERRA wellness advocate today.”

Heck, your best customers have never heard of doTERRA yet.

Instead, your best customers woke up today asking things like:

  • How can I reduce anxiety naturally?
  • How do you reverse heart disease naturally?
  • How can I get healthy and glowing skin?
  • How can I improve my digestion?
  • Which essential oils are best for anxiety?
  • Which essential oils are best for my skin?

Those are the things your customers are asking and they’re typing those kinds of questions into Google right now.

How big could you grow your business if you had online assets that Google took people to when they ask that stuff?

How fast could you reach 100 people that way in comparison to trying to talk to 100 personally?

The process I’m showing you is one where you take advantage of the way the Internet naturally operates.

Take the time now to set up a few strategic online assets so the very people who are interested in either natural health or essential oils find you at the very moment they’re looking to buy those solutions!

Successful business owners post solutions to the very problems their products solve for people. They then make sales to the people that reach out to them after seeing them as trusted advisors.

You will build a wildly successful doTERRA business by doing the same thing.

You will attract your best prospects in this manner and stop repelling them by talking about doTERRA on social media in an inappropriate way. Let your competitors do that nonsense.

Ready to Start Winning Inside Your doTERRA Business? Here’s How to Get Started….

This process I’m teaching you is one that will allow you to stop experiencing the negative parts of network marketing, such as:

  • Getting rejected by family and friends
  • Trying to approach people who aren’t interested in health or essential oils
  • Upsetting your social media contacts and getting blocked
  • Wasting time running all around town doing doTERRA classes
  • Feeling like you don’t have any quality prospects

This process will allow you to get more of what you’re looking for:

  • Recruit an awesome team of doTERRA wellness advocates
  • Increase your monthly residual income
  • Become great at selling doTERRA products
  • Discover an amazing pool of the best doTERRA prospects out there
  • Make a positive impact on more people
  • Get on stage after rising up the doTERRA compensation plan ranks

Use the information I’m giving away below that teaches all the details of this method for attracting your best target market of customers and reps:

Feature Download: I’ve put together a free Quick-Start Guide” that shows you how to implement the “Reverse Invite Method” theory this post explains to you.

This collection of MLM guides shows you step-by-step how to get set up so you’re ready to start getting quality prospects for your doTERRA business.

You’ll learn how to use the “Reverse Invite Method”, plus 5 Bonus Trainings that teach you:

  • How to use Facebook
  • How to use LinkedIn
  • 5 Simple Steps for “push-button” recruiting
  • The problem with social media for prospecting
  • 3 strategies for more MLM leads
So you get more prospects WITHOUT the rejection.

Click here to grab it all

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