network marketing tips for guaranteed success

Matt ZavadilWritten by Matt Zavadil
Updated June 3, 2022

How has your network marketing business-building journey gone so far?

Are you brand new and wondering: How do I start network marketing?

Or, have you been trying to grow your downline for awhile and want to know: How do I get people to join my business?

I’ve got you covered either way.

This post has been set up in a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) format. Select from the Table of Contents based on which of the following network marketing tips for guaranteed success fits your situation best.

Feature Download: I’ve put together a free Quick-Start Guide” that shows you how implement the theory this post explains to you.

This collection of MLM guides shows you step-by-step how to get set up so you’re ready to start getting quality prospects for your MLM business.

You’ll learn 5 Simple Steps to More MLM Leads: How to Recruit with the Push of a Button”, plus 5 Bonus Trainings that teach you:

  • How to use Facebook
  • How to use LinkedIn
  • How to use the “Reverse Invite Method”
  • The problem with social media for prospecting
  • 3 strategies for more MLM leads
So you get more prospects WITHOUT the rejection.

Click here to grab it all

Get Started: How Do I Start Network Marketing?

You’re in business. You’re not a hobbyist. Even if you’re looking for $500/month part-time you’ll get there by acting professionally.

My first piece of advice when getting started in network marketing:

  • Commit to a long-term view
  • Set a goal & stick to the plan
  • Commit to one marketing strategy (that which you enjoy)

Your Network Marketing Plan Can’t Be “Get Rich Quick”

I see reps losing the game simply because they cut corners or don’t master their business. Make a commitment to do it right.

You should probably rethink your choice to work inside network marketing if you expect to get rich quick. The most vital of all network marketing tips for guaranteed success is you’re building a business.

Work with your long-term future in mind.

Would you expect to strike it rich in 30, 60 or 90 days if you started a business such as:

  • Flower shop
  • Mechanic shop
  • Accountant business
  • Laundromat
  • Food truck

No, you would put together a business plan that included 1-year, 3-year, 5-year and 10-year-goal markers.

The MLM world has many people who think this is a gimmicky get-rich-quick scheme that doesn’t require long-term, hard work.

Unfortunately, they’ve been made to think this by some overzealous uplines or even by what’s shown in company recruiting presentations.

I’m sorry if that was the impression you got from your upline or company, but it’s good news really.

Do you want to build something that’s gimmicky or a business you can count on long-term to get out of the 9-to-5 grind?

You should also know that nobody in this industry reached success without experiencing dark periods where they wanted to quit. You won’t escape those times either.

Push through those times, however, and the long-term result is worth it.

Make a plan that includes a schedule for specific hours you’ll work each week and a commitment to work hard for years, not months. If you can’t do this & commit to it, you’ll be better served to find a different path for your life.

MLM Marketing Strategy: Pick One & Commit

I break your marketing strategy options into 2 core areas:

  • Offline
  • Online

If you’re truly looking for the network marketing tips that can guarantee your success, then decide which way you’ll market and stick to it long-term.

How can I become successful in network marketing? The answer is determining your personality and working a network marketing plan that fits you best:

  • Are you an extrovert who loves meeting new people & chatting them up?
  • Are you an introvert who doesn’t want to recruit people while eating dinner out with family?
  • Are you a doctor, lawyer or local businessperson with a healthy local warm contact list?
  • Is your warm market contact list weak, without many people fit for business?
  • Do you want to spend time for the next few years actively prospecting people?
  • Would you rather set up online systems that sift through prospects for you?

The answers to the above questions are vital to your success with network marketing.

Building an MLM business offline requires people skills and the time/energy to talk to a huge database of people.

Building it online requires the patience to allow your Internet marketing efforts to start working over time. The pay-off is the ability to build your business more or less on auto-pilot once your initial efforts start generating leads 24/7.

Select the one method you’re most interested in and then get busy learning the ins & outs of either:

  • Offline networking and prospecting skills
  • Online marketing and lead generation skills

Get Rich: Can Network Marketing Make You Rich?

Potentially, yes.

The reality is that MLM is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Pick anyone you see that has turned themselves into a network marketing success and ask them how they got there.

Ask them how long it took.

Ask them if it happened in some magical way within 2 weeks of joining their first MLM company.

Yes, network marketing can make you rich.

What I’m trying to help you understand is that asking that question is like asking whether real estate, stock options, affiliate marketing, blogging, flipping websites, or any other possible business opportunity available will make you rich.

There are rich people inside all types of businesses and it took them time, training and a long-term view to get there.

I hope you’re not asking whether network marketing can make you rich with expectations of “striking it rich” without much effort.

That kind of “getting rich” doesn’t happen. Oh, you hear stories of people that “seem” to have gotten wealth via MLM very quickly. Dig into their stories, however, and you find out that this is their 5th MLM company and 4th year in the industry.

They went through a lot of personal growth, overcame struggles and financially “down” years until they finally figured it out and are now thriving.

Make sure:

  • You’re ready to work hard
  • You learn effective marketing methods that bring quality MLM leads
  • You’re focused on becoming a person worthy of getting rich via MLM (by helping a lot of other people along the way)

and yes, network marketing can make you rich.

Time Factors (How Long Does It Take To Become Successful In MLM?)

Do you want to know how to grow fast in network marketing?

The average advice you’ll see out there when it comes to learning how to build a network marketing business quickly is:

  • Be coachable
  • Go to big events
  • Don’t quit
  • Learn what to say to prospects
  • Find a great company
  • Find a helpful upline
  • Read motivational books
  • Watch training videos

All that stuff is important, but if you want to learn how to succeed in network marketing fast, then you’ve got to put marketing ahead of prospecting.

You need to learn online marketing skills that allow you to generate dozens of leads a day, not dozens of leads a month. 

Watching training or going to big events helps improve your overall skills. Don’t mistake that stuff with business-building activities, however. 

You don’t make money in a business until product is sold. Every business on Earth needs to have a system in place for generating quality leads that convert into customers. 

Your network marketing business is no different. 

Learn how to generate online traffic made up of people who specifically have the problems your products solve. Do that and you’ll easily convert those prospects into customers and recruits.

By the way, click here for an excellent way to Recruit Rejection Free, without wasting your time chasing deadbeat leads & prospects.

Feature Download: I’ve put together a free Quick-Start Guide” that shows you how implement the theory this post explains to you.

This collection of MLM guides shows you step-by-step how to get set up so you’re ready to start getting quality prospects for your MLM business.

You’ll learn 5 Simple Steps to More MLM Leads: How to Recruit with the Push of a Button”, plus 5 Bonus Trainings that teach you:

  • How to use Facebook
  • How to use LinkedIn
  • How to use the “Reverse Invite Method”
  • The problem with social media for prospecting
  • 3 strategies for more MLM leads
So you get more prospects WITHOUT the rejection.

Click here to grab it all

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