Matt ZavadilWritten by Matt Zavadil
Updated April 23, 2023

“Those who render…better service than that which they’re paid sooner or later receive pay for more than they actually do.” #NapoleonHill

— Matt Zavadil (@matthewzavadil) March 10, 2015

  • How would you rate your home business growth?
  • Are you thriving or struggling?
  • Still searching for answers as to why folks aren’t beating down the door to join your business?

I invite you to take a deep breath in…and now let it out slowly. As you do think about whether you’re serving others in an authentic way…

…or whether you’re basically shouting into the void & attempting to “take” before “giving”…

YouTube video

Click here for the blog post I mention in the above video

Where Do You Rate?

If you’re like me not too long ago it may be hard to look within and admit that you haven’t been providing serious value to your potential customers and team members.

I had to take a serious look at myself and how I was operating my business. It wasn’t a pretty sight…LOL

There’s a tendency in network marketing to lead with how wonderful our products and opportunity are. The challenge with this is that most folks don’t care much about this…at first.

All of us are “sold” countless times each day. So even if you’re talking to a person who can ultimately benefit from what you offer through your home business they won’t care if you come across too strong.

They’ll tune you out.

By the way, if you’d like to know the 3 Simple Tools I’ve used for 10+ years to generate income online, click here

People Want Solutions To Their Problems

Tweet: People want solutions to problems, right? Not to be SOLD your #MLM prospects don’t want to be “sold”. They want a solution to their problems.

If you can keep this mantra at the forefront of your mind you’ll see your business change for the better.

“People want a solution to their problems.”

As a network marketer you’ll set yourself apart from the crowd if you lead with value…lead with ideas & tips for how your prospect can solve their problems…become their trusted advisor.

Let’s dive into how you can begin getting this done…

Step 1: Build Your Reputation

Let’s re-visit the Napoleon Hill quote that started things off:

“By establishing a reputation as being a person who always renders more service and better service than that which you are paid, you’ll benefit by comparison with those around you who do not render such service…and the contrast will be…noticeable!”

The MLM community as a whole needs a major facelift in terms of how networkers “market”. If you didn’t watch my video above go watch it now.

Too many network marketers ruin their reputations because they push too hard when they meet folks in person or on Facebook and other social media channels.

(Again, I ain’t preachin’ here…I once had this pointed out to me and I was like, “ohhhh, no wonder no one wants to talk to me!”)

Rather than listen to the needs of potential prospects they don’t even allow their new contacts to become prospects because they lead with some variation of “I have the BEST product in the WORLD…you should look at it NOW!” or “You’ve got to look at my opportunity…we have the BEST comp plan alive!”…

For example:

This person trying to make money with Herbalife:

Herbalife rep is looking desperate trying to sell

Looks desperate as they try to sell products too soon on Facebook.

If you’re doing this type of so-called “marketing” & spamming your affiliate coded link everywhere I encourage you to stop.

Instead, lead with value. Leading with value will build you a reputation of someone others love to be around…someone others love to learn from…someone others WANT to buy from and join in business.

I probably could have made “Build Your Reputation” Step 2 but I brought it up as Step 1 because if you’re thinking “reputation” first, then I believe leading with value makes more sense…

Step 2: Lead With Value

The way to lead with value is to first sit down and think about your company’s products.

It doesn’t matter which company you’re promoting. The product you offer benefits people in some way. It solves a particular problem or challenge in the marketplace.

It might be health related, exercise related, legal related, personal development related, etc. There are hundreds of niches represented by various MLM companies…

The point I’m making is if you will take the time to figure out the specific problem or problems you can solve through your product line you can then lead by value.

  • You lead with value by tweeting about solving that problem.
  • You lead with value by posting on Facebook about a story of someone solving that problem.
  • You lead with value by creating a blog post highlighting tips for solving that problem.
  • You lead with value by creating a Linked In article about solving that problem.

Do you see how different that is from the average networker spamming their affiliate link to their company replicated website with a desperate plea to “join me today”?

But This Takes Time…

You’re damn right it does!

But in my experience (and Napoleon Hill’s experience) it gradually builds to a crescendo of quality leads who convert into sales and reps inside your business.

I mean, to complain, “but this takes time” tells me the person saying this is stuck in a negative thought pattern. They’re stuck in the flawed thinking that there’s some Magical Get Rich Quick scheme available to us.

It’s OK if you feel this way at first. I did, too! I think it’s a rite of passage we all must go through where we finally wake up one day and say, “Oh, you mean building a business online requires the same principles as building one offline?”


When did building a quality reputation ever get accomplished quickly? Folks want to know they can count on you…that you’ll consistently show up…that you’ll be there when they need your help.

Step 3: Create An Overall Branding Platform

If you look at any big name network marketing trainers/success stories/”gurus”…

…you’ll notice a common theme:

They’ve figured out the art of building a solid reputation…otherwise known as “branding”

They set up systems…they use tools…to help them get their word out…to help others become exposed to their upfront value offerings.

If you want their results you need to duplicate those business practices. You can do this either by starting from scratch and building your own set of systems and tools…

…or you can plug into an existing set of tools and systems already designed specifically for network marketers. If you’d like to explore that route I invite you to plug into what I discuss below:

How To Become An Empowered MLM Professional

YouTube video

I’ve prepared a special FREE 1-page guide for you that provides you the 3 Simple Tools I’ve used for 10+ years to make money online. Click here or the image below to pick it up:

3 simple online income tools

Did you learn something new in today’s post? If so I’d love to hear about it in the comments below…

And if you think others will benefit from this info I’d greatly appreciate it if you share this post with them!

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